Local Anti-corruption Open Data Index
Stage 2 - Index 2.0
The methodology was improved and fine-tuned during the second iteration of the Index. The results of the seven states were recalculated.
The Index was built based on the 30 “Priority Datasets” outlined in the Open Up Guide of the Open Data Charter, adopted by the Executive Secretary of the Nacional Anti-corruption System. Some datasets were added to give more specificity to the Priority Datasets and to capture new areas (such as the area of procurement and elections data).
Each dataset was assigned to:
A stage of the Public Policy Cycle
A stage of the Anti-Corruption Cycle
A governance area
Each dataset was evaluated according to the following criteria:
Available online
Available in disaggregated form
Metadata available
Machine-readable data available in bulk
Data openly licensed
Easy to find information about the data set
Up to date
Preliminary results
The results contemplate seven states, 30 variables, nine scoring criteria, five stages of the Public Policy Cycle, four stages of the Anti-Corruption Cycle, and six governance areas. The most important results from the Index are the composite scores from each state:
This tight range in composite scores does not mean that all states perform similarly across all areas. We recommend consulting the individual results of each state.